Lets do this.
Raspberry Pi 5 accessories.
5/3/20241 min read
I just received a new toy in the mail and I cannot wait to get it up and running. Before I install software I need to get its protected. I picked up a acrylic case and heatsink from Amazon. Ill put the link below if you are interested. These accessories should keep my new Pi cool and secure. I want to turn this into a mobile NAS drive in the future; in the mean time I want to protect it.
As you can see here, one of the case pieces arrived broken. Not to worry though, I am good at working with what I have. Ill add some glue to the acrylic and when it is all put together, the fracture will be unnoticeable.
I used Testors liquid cement to glue the broken pieces togather. Then I installed the blue thermal pads on the chips. I used tweezers so that my finger oils would not contaminate the adhesive. Once they were stuck, I aligned the active cooler. On posing corners there are white spring clips that need to be push down until they click into the alignment holes on the board.
Now start assembling the case one layer at a time. I began by inverting the screws into the bottom layer and placing it down on the bench. This allowed each preceding layer to just slide on. I am using the heatsink with fan instead of the copper pads that came with the case. This caused a bit of hassle because I had to trim the third layer quite extensively. I broke that layer into three pieces and fit them around the Pi. They needed a lot of trimming, it I got them to fit.
The rest of the layers fit smoothly and I the screws had plenty of room to fasten the nuts in place. Using a USB-C I plugged it in to test the functions. All works so far.
All in all pretty easy assembly to complete. The case looks great and functions as it should.
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